4S QRP T41   we have 1 kit in stock   now € 399,-

HAM Radio Land

Amateur radio with a

Offer great products and service for Radio Amateurs!

That is what we do.

Our vision

There are many well-known brands that deliver what they find interesting. Very good BUT a Radio Amateur usually has a thing for experimenting and then you won't find everything at the major brands. That's what we stand for, looking for fun and unknown products to make your station better.


HAM Radio Land is part of Marel Ware, electronics with a +.

Marel Ware provides services in the electronics world, for example by investing project knowledge and time in a design challenge or by repairing devices that are badly needed.

http://marelware.nl tells more about this (still under development).

The owner is a Radio Amateur himself who likes to update his station regularly and help others with it.

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